Steve’s plans for getting stronger in 2021 aim to help an Empty Nester enjoy life now and for a long time to come. Is it too late to start?
Steve’s plans for getting stronger in 2021 aim to help an Empty Nester enjoy life now and for a long time to come. Is it too late to start?
Age is not just a number; it is a bunch of numbers. What Empty Nesters need to know about medical scans and tests to detect problems in time.
The Empty Nest Syndrome is what you make of it. If you think of Empty Nesting as a verb, the syndrome can be “the time of your life.”
The holiday season is on us. Rather than cycling caloric penance and gluttony, try to be sensible.
Struggles with health is a defining Empty Nester dilemma. COVID only heightens the issue. But Steve fights back in a slow and gentle fashion.
The Empty Nesters struggle to confront how poorly we have handled the defining crisis of our generation.
Four years after Obamacare, the doctors are doing just fine. Why medical school remains a good option for the upwardly mobile.
Steve’s annual Fourth of July thoughts come from visiting his old haunts at Sheppard Air Force Base, looking forward to a flyover, and reminding himself about the promise of America
The remarkable Ben Franklin secured America’s victory in the revolution without ever firing a shot. As always, Franklin’s lessons for the country he helped make are enduring.
Thankful for a Well-Kept Lawn. My first interaction with Russell Bradford, my father-in-law, was strictly commercial. Before the internet replaced newspapers and before modern distribution
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Tales From An Empty Nest - TFEN
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