Steve’s annual Fourth of July thoughts come from visiting his old haunts at Sheppard Air Force Base, looking forward to a flyover, and reminding himself about the promise of America
Steve’s annual Fourth of July thoughts come from visiting his old haunts at Sheppard Air Force Base, looking forward to a flyover, and reminding himself about the promise of America
The remarkable Ben Franklin secured America’s victory in the revolution without ever firing a shot. As always, Franklin’s lessons for the country he helped make are enduring.
JULY 4, 1863, GETTYSBURG PENNSYLVANIA Sergeant Frederick Fuger must have been exhausted beyond measure when he reported to the headquarters of the 4th U.S. Artillery.
Empty Nesters have watched our government for a long time. Steve wonders about how Allen Drury would have reported on today’s events.
Empty Nesters remember the ERA and “women’s lib.” Becky Hammon of the San Antonio Spurs is proof positive that radicals can be right.
Empty Nesters know the pitfalls our society faces. But is our store of success deep enough to convince us it is still Morning in America?
Empty Nesters have known few Chief Justices of the Supreme Court. John Roberts cemented his place in history late Friday afternoon.
Seventy-nine years after our darkest hour, can America still lead the world? The lesson Doris Miller and Pearl Harbor can teach us.
Empty Nesters grew up in an era that emphasized a collective will to help the less fortunate. Is our social contract fading away?
Thanksgiving in 2020 will be tough. Steve finds something to give thanks for and a reason for hope in the story of Joshua Wheeler
Steve’s annual Fourth of July thoughts come from visiting his old haunts at Sheppard Air Force Base, looking forward to a flyover, and reminding himself about the promise of America
The remarkable Ben Franklin secured America’s victory in the revolution without ever firing a shot. As always, Franklin’s lessons for the country he helped make are enduring.
Thankful for a Well-Kept Lawn. My first interaction with Russell Bradford, my father-in-law, was strictly commercial. Before the internet replaced newspapers and before modern distribution
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Tales From An Empty Nest - TFEN
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